#assets #coin #helper #cosmos #tokens #cw20 #native


Helper library for interacting with Cosmos assets (SDK coins and CW20 tokens)

3 releases

0.1.2 Aug 11, 2023
0.1.1 Jun 27, 2023
0.1.0 Feb 13, 2023

#10 in #cw20

Download history 224/week @ 2024-08-31 78/week @ 2024-09-07 64/week @ 2024-09-14 121/week @ 2024-09-21 87/week @ 2024-09-28 99/week @ 2024-10-05 115/week @ 2024-10-12 130/week @ 2024-10-19 99/week @ 2024-10-26 127/week @ 2024-11-02 65/week @ 2024-11-09 39/week @ 2024-11-16 70/week @ 2024-11-23 104/week @ 2024-11-30 143/week @ 2024-12-07 75/week @ 2024-12-14

397 downloads per month
Used in 13 crates (11 directly)

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Rust 1.5K SLoC Shell 177 SLoC // 0.1% comments

NOTE: This README is still under construction. Contents may be outdated


Helpers for interacting with Cosmos assets, including native coins and CW20 tokens


This crate contains three struct types:

  • AssetInfo stores key information of an asset type – for CW20 tokens, the contract address; for native coins, the denomination

  • Asset represents an asset of specific amount

  • AssetList is a wrapper for Vec<Asset> which allows carrying out operations on multiple assets

Instances of AssetInfo and Asset can be created as follows:

use cw_asset::{AssetInfo, Asset};

// native coin
let coin_info = AssetInfo::native("uusd");

let coin = Asset::new(coin_info, 69420);
// or
let coin = Asset::native("uusd", 69420);

// CW20 token
let token_info = AssetInfo::cw20(deps.api.addr_validate("mock_token")?);

let token = Asset::new(token_info, 12345);
// or
let token = Asset::cw20(deps.api.addr_validate("mock_token")?, 12345);

Checked and unchecked types

AssetInfo and Asset contain contract addresses of cosmwasm_std::Addr type. Additionally, they each comes with an "unchecked" counterpart where the addresses are in String type. Both the unchecked and chekced types can be serialized to / deserialized from JSON format. The checked type is intended to be saved in contract storage, while the unchecked type is intended to be passed between contracts in messages.

The following code snippets show common usage of the AssetInfo type. However, the same methods are also implemented for Asset type.

Save the checked type in storage

use cw_storage_plus::Item;

const TOKEN_INFO: Item<AssetInfo> = Item::new("token_info");

let token_info = AssetInfo::cw20(token_addr);
TOKEN_INFO.save(deps.storage, &token_info)?;

Using the unchecked type in messages

use cw_asset::AssetInfoUnchecked;

pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    token_info: AssetInfoUnchecked,

Conversions between checked and unchecked types

// cast checked to unchecked type
let token_info_unchecked: AssetInfoUnchecked = token_info.into();

// cast unchecked to checked type
let token_info = token_info_unchecked.check(deps.api)?;

Tax handling

Stability fee (a.k.a. "tax") is a fees charged on Terra stablecoin transfers and considered by many developers to be tricky to work with.

Tax works as follows. Suppose Alice sends Bob 100 UST when the tax rate is 0.1%. The tax amount is 100 * 0.1% = 0.1 UST. After the transfer is executed, Bob's balance increases by 100 UST, while Alice's balance is deducted by 100.1 UST.

Note that tax is paid by whoever sends the BankMsg::Send message, not the transaction's initiator. If Alice holds some funds in a smart contract, and invokes a functions on the contract to send 100 UST. The resulting 0.1 UST tax is deducted from the contract's balance, not Alice's.

An implication of this is that if the contract only has 100 UST balance, it is impossible for it to send all 100 UST out, because it needs to reserve some funds to pay tax. In fact, at 0.1% tax rate, the maximum amount the contract can send is 99900099uusd, with 99900uusd needed for tax. After this transfer, the contract will have exactly 1uusd left, which cannot be transferred out.

The Asset type implements two helper functions for handling taxes:


Calculates the deliverable amount (tax deducted) when sending an asset:

let coin = Asset::native("uusd", 100000000);
let coin_after_tax = coin.deduct_tax(&deps.querier)?;
// at 0.1% tax rate, `coin_after_tax.amount` should be 99900099


Calculates the total cost (including tax) for sending an asset:

let coin = Asset::native("uusd", 99900099);
let coin_with_tax = coin.add_tax(&deps.querier)?;
// at 0.1% tax rate, `coin_with_tax.amount` should be 99999999

Message generation

The Asset type also comes with helper functions for generating messages:


The following example creates a message for transferring 100 UST to Bob. Note that we first deduct tax before generating the message:

let coin = Asset::native("uusd", 100000000);
let msg = coin.deduct_tax(&deps.querier)?.transfer_msg("bob_address")?;
let res = Response::new().add_message(msg);


The following example creates a message that draws 100 MIR tokens from Alice's wallet to Bob's. Note that:

  • Alice must have approved Bob to spend her tokens using CW20's IncreaseAllowance command

  • Invoking transfer_from_msg on an native coin will result in error, as native coins don't have the TransferFrom method

let token = Asset::cw20(deps.api.addr_validate("mock_token")?, 100000000);
let msg = token.transfer_from_msg("alice", "bob")?;
let res = Response::new().add_message(msg);


The std::fmt::Display trait is implemented for AssetInfo and Asset, so you can easily invoke to_string method to generate a string representation of the asset. This may be useful when creating logging outputs:

let res = Response::new()
    .add_attribute("asset_sent", token.to_string());

The string representation of the asset is label:amount where label is the denom for native coins, or the contract address for CW20 tokens.

Asset list

AssetList is a wrapper of Vec<Asset> which allows you to carry out operations on multiple assets at once. For example, to send both a native coin and a CW20 token to Alice:

use cw_asset::{Asset, AssetList};

let mut assets = AssetList::new();
assets.add(Asset::native("uusd", 12345));
assets.add(Asset::cw20(api.addr_validate("mock_token")?, 67890));

let msgs = assets.deduct_tax(&deps.querier)?.transfer_msgs("alice")?;
let res = Response::new().add_messages(msgs);


Contents of this repository are open source under MIT License.


~128K SLoC