#dataset #puzzle #grpc #requests #aoc #grpc-server #database-server

bin+lib aocdata

gRPC server interface to database that serves AOC puzzle dataset requests

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 9, 2023

#48 in #grpc-server

Used in aocrun

MIT license

120 lines


Aocdata provides data service i.e. datasets for Advent Of Code puzzles. The service, the request format, and the response format are specified in aocdata.proto file following the Proto3 language guide.


$ git clone https://gitlab.com/labcycle/aocdata.git
$ cd aocdata

The below commands simulate the database and the server through container images. Replace podman with docker in the following commands to build and run images. NOTE: The build and run commands have NOT been tested using docker.

Setup Postgresql database

This database holds datasets of the puzzles. If the database is already setup, skip to Setup Aocdata server section.

NOTE: An example database holding sample datasets is set up below. For more extensive datasets, a new database with datasets should to be set up.

$ podman build -t aocdb -f ./db/Containerfile
$ podman run -dt --name aocdb_container -p 54320:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="aocpg" aocdb 

Setup Aocdata server

Postgresql database URL must be provided as an environment variable AOC_DB_URL to the container. e.g. AOC_DB_URL="postgres://postgres:aocpg@localhost:54320/aoc".

$ podman build -t aocdata -f ./Containerfile
$ podman run -dt --name aocdata_container -p 31370:3137 -e AOC_DB_URL=__PostgresDbUrl__ aocdata

How does it work

  • Once the server is started, data can be requested using gRPC call using the unary RPC GetData and client-side DataRequest mentioning the year and day fields.
  • The data response is sent as an optional string.
  • The dataset string is queried from a Postgresql database (Thus, the database must be running as long as the server is taking requests).


~718K SLoC