#mpsc #dynamic #fifo #wrapper


An mpsc that allows arbitrary types to be passed through

6 releases

0.3.1 Jul 19, 2021
0.3.0 Jul 16, 2021
0.2.1 Jul 16, 2021
0.1.3 Jul 15, 2021

#683 in Asynchronous


378 lines


A wrapper for an mpsc::channel that allows arbitrary types to be passed through. Comes in 2 different flavors.


The any_mpsc::channel function may be used to create a basic (AnySender, AnyReceiver). AnySender takes any value and sends it through the underlying channel with the send method (internally as a Box<dyn Any>). AnyReceiver contains generic versions of recv, recv_timeout, and try_recv. If the generic parameter supplied doesn't correspond with the type the AnySender pushed through, a AnyRecvError::WrongType(Box<dyn Any>) will be returned containing the value.


Probably more useful, the buf_recv default feature enables the any_mpsc::buffered_channel function. This will return a (AnySender, BufferedReceiver). The BufferedReceiver works differently from the AnyReceiver in that if an unmatching generic type is supplied, it will instead return a AnyRecvError::BufRecvError(TypeId). The actual value will be stored in its internal buffer, and the next time recv, recv_timeout, or try_recv is called with a generic parameter matching its type, that buffered value will be returned and removed from the buffer. Additional methods for interaction with the channel and buffer exist, see the table at the bottom of this section.


fn receive_handler<T: Debug + 'static>(rx: &mut BufferedReceiver)
    match rx.recv::<T>()
        Ok(result) => println!("{:?}", result),
        Err(AnyRecvError::BufRecvError(type_id)) => println!("Type with id {:?} added to buffer", type_id),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e)

let (tx, mut rx) = any_mpsc::buffered_channel();


receive_handler::<f32>(&mut rx);
receive_handler::<f32>(&mut rx);
receive_handler::<String>(&mut rx);

The output is this:

Type with id TypeId { t: 7854412396444247302 } added to buffer
Method Description
recv_until Will continuously recv until the supplied generic type is found. Any unmatching types received are placed in the buffer.
recv Attempts to pop from internal buffer. If buffer is empty, calls mpsc recv
recv_timeout Attempts to pop from internal buffer. If buffer is empty, calls mpsc recv_timeout
try_recv Attempts to pop from internal buffer. If buffer is empty, calls mpsc try_recv
recv_live Calls mpsc recv regardless of whether or not the buffer is empty. Unmatching result types will still be placed in the buffer.
recv_timeout_live Calls mpsc recv_timeout regardless of whether or not the buffer is empty. Unmatching result types will still be placed in the buffer.
try_recv_live Calls mpsc try_recv regardless of whether or not the buffer is empty. Unmatching result types will still be placed in the buffer.
recv_nobuf Equivalent to AnyReceiver::recv (bypasses the buffer entirely)
recv_timeout_nobuf Equivalent to AnyReceiver::recv_timeout (bypasses the buffer entirely)
try_recv_nobuf Equivalent to AnyReceiver::try_recv (bypasses the buffer entirely)
recv_buf Attempts to pop from the internal buffer. Never attempts to access the internal channel at all.

