#hex-color #hex-string #color-string #name


Utility crate for getting color hex values

6 releases

0.0.6 Jan 9, 2024
0.0.5 Dec 23, 2023
0.0.4 Jul 26, 2023
0.0.3 Jun 19, 2023

#13 in #hex-color

Used in trello-to-deck

MIT license

884 lines


rust crate for converting a &str into a hex string

get_color_hex takes in a &str and will return a 6 char hex string.

Inputs this function will accept:

  • 6 digit hex string will return the original hex string.
  • 3 digit hex will return 6 char hex string.
  • A standard color name from a list of roughly ~750 in colors.rs.
  • 9 digit decimal string, if over (0-255),(0-255),(0-255) will use 255.
  • Otherwise will sha256 hash the string and grab the first 3 bytes.
fn main() {
    use all_colors::get_color_hex;

    let color_hex = get_color_hex("aqua").expect("well known color name");
    let color_hex2 = get_color_hex("give me something interesting").expect("some random color a4f662");
    let color_hex3 = get_color_hex("f20").expect("f00 will return ff2200");
    let color_hex4 = get_color_hex("010255001").expect("9 digits will become 0aff01");

    println!("aqua is #{}", color_hex);


~19K SLoC