#advent #utility-macro #str #input #day


Advent of Code utility macro for Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 19, 2025

#522 in Rust patterns

Download history 136/week @ 2025-02-19 15/week @ 2025-02-26

151 downloads per month

MIT license



This crate contains the advent_of_rust! macro, a utility macro which makes it easy to run advent of code challenges with minimal boilerplate.

Each Advent of Code day is a module called day_N with two functions:

  • part_1
  • part_2 (optional)

This minimal example will test day 4 which has a part_2 and part_1.

Filename: src/day_4.rs.

pub fn part_1(input: &str) -> u64 {

pub fn part_2(input: &str) -> &str {
    "Advent of Rust!"

Filename: src/lib.rs.

advent_of_rust::advent_of_rust! {
  4 => 99999, "Advent of Rust!";

The above will expand to roughly this code:

mod day_4;

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    const DAY_4_INPUT: &str = include_str!("day_4.txt");

    fn day_4_part_1() {
        assert_eq!(day_4::part_1(DAY_4_INPUT), 99999);

    fn day_4_part_2() {
        assert_eq!(day_4::part_2(DAY_4_INPUT), "Advent of Rust!");

Then you can test your advent of code:

You put your puzzle input into a file called day_N.txt which lives in the same directory where you invoked the advent_of_rust! macro.

$ cargo test

running 2 tests
test tests::day_4_part_1 ... ok
test tests::day_4_part_2 ... ok

Each module must have a part_1 function and may also have a part_2 as well.

An example src/lib.rs with multiple days:

advent_of_rust::advent_of_rust! {
  1 => 1234, "Advent of Rust!";
  22 => "hello";
  3 => 1234;
  4 => Err(4), false;
  8 => 1234, None;

For the above to compile you will need the following in src/ dir:

  • day_1.rs with fn part_1(&str) -> u16 and fn part_2(&str) -> &str and day_1.txt .
  • day_22.rs with fn part_1(&str) -> u16 and day_22.txt.
  • day_3.rs with fn part_1(&str) -> u16 and day_3.txt .
  • day_4.rs with fn part_1(&str) -> u16 and fn part_2(&str) -> &str and day_4.txt .
  • day_8.rs with fn part_1(&str) -> u16 and fn part_2(&str) -> &str and day_8.txt .

