9 unstable releases (3 breaking)
Uses old Rust 2015
0.4.3 | Jul 30, 2018 |
0.4.2 | Jul 22, 2018 |
0.3.1 | Jul 12, 2018 |
0.2.1 | Jul 1, 2018 |
0.1.2 | Jun 30, 2018 |
#1186 in Database interfaces
27 downloads per month
627 lines
Actix Database Identity Provider
SQL database (diesel) integration for actix framework
Implements a SQL backend for Actix-Web's identity middleware. Does not perform any authentication, only "remembers" the user when told to. The returned header containing the authorized token is configurable via the SqlIdentityBuilder::response_header()
Normal server application flow:
- Application authenticates a user
- Application calls
with a user-identifiable string - SQL identity middleware generates a new token and embeds it in the response header
- Application returns response (with header)
From here, normal flow according to identity middleware guide can be followed
Normal client application flow:
- Client POSTs to a login endpoint, is authorized by server
- Client receives response, extracts the authorization token in the specified header
- On future requests (including logout), the client builds a bearer authentication header with the returned token
SQL Variants supported
- SQLite
- Postgres
Default: SQLite, MySQL, Postgres
sqlite: Include SQLite support
mysql: Include MySQL support
postgres: Include PostgreSQL supprt
Database Requirements
This crate requires a table named identities with the following fields:
Field | Type | Constraints | Description |
id | BIGINT | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO INCREMENT | A unique id that is not the token, for revoking sessions |
token | CHAR(32) | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | The auto-generated token field, will be used to lookup user |
userid | TEXT | NOT NULL | The user id to remember, probably a key in another table |
ip | TEXT | The IP the user most recently connected from | |
useragent | TEXT | The user-agent of the most recent connection | |
created | TIMESTAMP | NOT NULL | Timestamp (w/out timezone) this token was created |
modified | TIMESTAMP | NOT NULL | Timestamp (w/out timezone) this token was last used |
Example SQL files for SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are available int the sql/ folder on the repository
Server Example
extern crate actix_web;
extern crate actix_web_sql_identity;
use actix_web::{http, server, App, HttpRequest, Responder};
use actix_web::middleware::identity::{IdentityService, RequestIdentity};
use actix_web_sql_identity::SqlIdentityBuilder;
const POOL_SIZE: usize = 3; // Number of connections per pool
fn login(mut req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
// Should pull username/id from request
"Logged in!".to_string()
fn profile(req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
if let Some(user) = req.identity() {
format!("Hello, {}!", user)
} else {
"Hello, anonymous user!".to_string()
fn logout(mut req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
"Logged out!".to_string()
fn main() {
server::new(|| {
// Construct our policy, passing the address and any options
let policy = SqlIdentityBuilder::new("sqlite://my.db")
.route("/login", http::Method::POST, login)
.route("/profile", http::Method::GET, profile)
.route("/logout", http::Method::POST, logout)
.expect("failed to connect to database")))
Client Example
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate hyper;
use hyper::header::{Authorization, Bearer, Headers};
use reqwest::{Client, Response};
// Build our custom header that will contain our returned token
header! { (XActixAuth, "X-Actix-Auth") => [String] }
/// Builds a GET request to send to the server, with optional authentication
/// # Arguments
/// * `client` - Client to build request with
/// * `uri` - Endpoint to target (e.g., /index, /profile, etc)
/// * `token` - An optional authentication token
fn build_get(client: &Client, uri: &str, token: Option<&str>) -> Response {
let mut req = client
.get(format!("{}", uri).as_str());
if let Some(token) = token {
let mut headers = Headers::new();
headers.set(Authorization(Bearer {
token: token.to_owned(),
let req = req.build()
.expect("failed to build request");
client.execute(req).expect("failed to send request")
/// Builds a POST request to send to the server, with optional authentication
/// # Arguments
/// * `client` - Client to build request with
/// * `uri` - Endpoint to target (e.g., /login, /logout)
/// * `token` - An optional authentication token
fn build_post(client: &Client, uri: &str, token: Option<&str>) -> Response {
let mut req = client
.post(format!("{}", uri).as_str());
if let Some(token) = token {
let mut headers = Headers::new();
headers.set(Authorization(Bearer {
token: token.to_owned(),
let req = req.build()
.expect("failed to build request");
client.execute(req).expect("failed to send request")
/// Pretty print a response
/// # Arguments
/// * `resp` - Response to print
fn print_response(resp: &mut Response) {
let uri = resp.url().clone();
println!("[{0: <15}] {1: <30} {2}", resp.status(), uri.as_str(), resp.text().expect("failed to read response"));
fn main() {
let client = Client::new();
// Get Index
let mut resp = build_get(&client, "/", None);
print_response(&mut resp);
// Get Profile (no auth)
let mut resp = build_get(&client, "/profile", None);
print_response(&mut resp);
// Login
let mut resp = build_post(&client, "/login", None);
print_response(&mut resp);
// Extract the auth token from the header
// (Header field can be changed on server, default is used here)
let hdrs = resp.headers();
let token = hdrs.get::<XActixAuth>().unwrap();
//println!("[token]: {:?}", token.0);
// Get Profile (auth)
let mut resp = build_get(&client, "/profile", Some(token.0.as_ref()));
print_response(&mut resp);
// Logout
let mut resp = build_post(&client, "/logout", Some(token.0.as_str()));
print_response(&mut resp);
// Get Profile (auth)
let mut resp = build_get(&client, "/profile", Some(token.0.as_ref()));
print_response(&mut resp);
BSD 3-Clause
Kevin Allison kvnallsn AT gmail.com
~629K SLoC