#binary #string #stack #rc #small #send-sync


A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting.

4 releases

0.1.6 Oct 8, 2020
0.1.5 Oct 7, 2020
0.1.1 Oct 6, 2020
0.1.0 Oct 6, 2020

#287 in Memory management


3.5K SLoC


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A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting. It's easy to use (no lifetimes; the binary type is sized), Send + Sync is optional (thus no synchronization overhead), provides optional serde support and has a similar API for strings and binaries. Custom binary/string types can be implemented for fine-tuning.

Libraries that provide similar functionality:


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abin = "*"
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::ops::Deref;

use abin::{AnyBin, AnyStr, Bin, BinFactory, NewBin, NewStr, Str, StrFactory};

fn usage_basics() {
    // static binary / static string
    let static_bin: Bin = NewBin::from_static("I'm a static binary, hello!".as_bytes());
    let static_str: Str = NewStr::from_static("I'm a static binary, hello!");
    assert_eq!(&static_bin, static_str.as_bin());
    assert_eq!(static_str.as_str(), "I'm a static binary, hello!");
    // non-static (but small enough to be stored on the stack)
    let hello_bin: Bin = NewBin::from_iter([72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8].iter().copied());
    let hello_str: Str = NewStr::copy_from_str("Hello");
    assert_eq!(&hello_bin, hello_str.as_bin());
    assert_eq!(hello_str.as_ref() as &str, "Hello");

    // operations for binaries / strings

    // length (number of bytes / number of utf-8 bytes)
    assert_eq!(5, hello_bin.len());
    assert_eq!(5, hello_str.len());
    // is_empty
    assert_eq!(false, hello_bin.is_empty());
    assert_eq!(false, hello_str.is_empty());
    // as_slice / as_str / deref / as_bin
    assert_eq!(&[72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8], hello_bin.as_slice());
    assert_eq!("Hello", hello_str.as_str());
    assert_eq!("Hello", hello_str.deref());
    assert_eq!(&hello_bin, hello_str.as_bin());
    // slice
        NewBin::from_static(&[72u8, 101u8]),
    assert_eq!(NewStr::from_static("He"), hello_str.slice(0..2).unwrap());
    // clone
    assert_eq!(hello_bin.clone(), hello_bin);
    assert_eq!(hello_str.clone(), hello_str);
    // compare
    assert!(NewBin::from_static(&[255u8]) > hello_bin);
    assert!(NewStr::from_static("Z") > hello_str);
    // convert string into binary and binary into string
    let hello_bin_from_str: Bin = hello_str.clone().into_bin();
    assert_eq!(hello_bin_from_str, hello_bin);
    let hello_str_from_bin: Str = AnyStr::from_utf8(hello_bin.clone()).expect("invalid utf8!");
    assert_eq!(hello_str_from_bin, hello_str);
    // convert into Vec<u8> / String
        Vec::from_iter([72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8].iter().copied()),
    assert_eq!("Hello".to_owned(), hello_str.into_string());

Notable structs, traits and types & naming


  • Bin: Binary (it's a struct).
  • SBin: Synchronized binary (it's a struct).
  • Str: String (type Str = AnyStr<Bin>)
  • SStr: Synchronized string (type SStr = AnyStr<SBin>).

Factories provided by the default implementation:

  • NewBin: Creates Bin.
  • NewSBin: Creates SBin.
  • NewStr: Creates Str.
  • NewSStr: Creates SStr.

See also:

  • AnyBin: Trait implemented by Bin and SBin.
  • AnyStr: See Str and SStr; string backed by either Bin or SBin.
  • BinFactory: Factory trait implemented by NewBin and NewSBin.
  • StrFactory: Factory trait implemented by NewStr and NewSStr.


See the example tests:


It's quite young (development started in October 2020). The main functionality has been implemented. Things I might do:

  • API refinement.
  • Tests using loom / more tests.
  • Optimizations.
  • Benchmarks.

Questions and Answers

There's already other crates with similar functionality, why another one? / Features

This crate provides some features that cannot be found in other crates (or not all of them):

  • Provides support for binaries and strings; the API for strings mirrors the binary-API closely.
  • Binaries/strings are not synchronized when not needed (synchronization is optional).
  • Custom implementations are possible.
  • Small binaries/strings are stored on the stack.
  • Support for serde zero-allocation deserialization to owned types (in some situations).
  • Efficient cloning (usually zero-allocation / zero-copy).
  • Efficient slicing to owned types (slice from Bin/Str to Bin/Str) (usually zero-allocation / zero-copy).
  • Guaranteed zero-allocation/zero-copy borrowed slicing (slice from Bin/Str to &[u8]/&str).
  • Provide everything to be used as keys in maps / serde support.

Why NewBin, NewStr? what's this?

Why let string = NewStr::from_static("Hello") instead of just let string = Str::from_static("Hello") (or implement From<&str> for Str)? This is due to the decision to decouple the interface from the implementation. The Str is the interface, whereas NewStr is the factory of the built-in implementation. This library is designed to be extensible; you can provide your own implementation, tweaked for your use case.

How does the default-implementation NewBin / NewStr work?

  • Small binaries are stored on the stack. Up to 3 * sizeof(word) - 1 bytes; that's 23 bytes on a 64-bit platform. For reference, the string Hello, world! only takes 13 bytes and could easily be stored on the stack.
  • Static binaries are just pointers to the actual data (so stack-only).
  • Larger binaries are usually (*1) reference-counted. (*1: There's a tweak to change this behaviour, see GivenVecConfig). The reference-counter is stored inside the vector-data. This has those advantages:
    • It's possible to create a Bin from Vec<u8> without allocation (if Vec<u8> has some capacity left for the reference-counter) - something which is not possible by using Rc<[u8]>.
    • ...at the same time (unlike Rc<Vec<u8>>) no second indirection is introduced.

The only difference between NewBin and NewSBin is the reference-counted binaries: SBin created by NewSBin have a synchronized reference counter (AtomicUsize).

Note: The same statements also apply to strings (since strings are backed by the binary implementation).

What operations are allocation-free / zero-copy?

It's not documented (in text) - and of course depends on the implementation ... but for the default-implementation (NewBin/NewSBin/NewStr/NewSStr) there's a test, see no_alloc_guarantees.rs.

Also, see these two tests for single-allocation guarantee:

I want to write my own implementation, how to?

There's currently no documentation - but you can use the default implementation for reference. It's found in the module implementation.

Why Boo and not Cow?

Cow requires where B: 'a + ToOwned. This does not work with this crate, since the implementation is separated from the interface. Say we have &[u8] (borrowed), to convert that to owned (Bin or SBin), the implementation has to be known. I don't want Cow to contain information about the implementation.

Aren't Bin and Str huge (stack-size)?

Bin and Str have a size of 4 words and are word-aligned. Yes, it's not small - but for reference, a Vec<u8> also takes 3 words (pointer, length and capacity).

What is re-integration?

Say we have this code (pseudocode):

let large_binary_from_network : Vec<u8> = <...>;
let bin = NewBin::from_given_vec(large_binary_from_network);
let slice_of_that_bin : &[u8] = &bin.as_slice()[45..458];

// it's now possible to re-integrate that `slice_of_that_bin` into the `bin` it was sliced from.
// re-integration converts the borrowed type `&[u8]` (`slice_of_that_bin`) into an owned
// type (`Bin`) without memory-allocation or memory-copy.
let bin_re_integrated : Bin = bin.try_re_integrate(slice_of_that_bin).unwrap();

This is useful if you want to de-serialize to owned (without using Boo) using serde. When deserializing a type, we get slice_of_that_bin from serde; using re-integration it's possible to get an owned binary (Bin) without allocation.

Technical detail: It checks whether slice_of_that_bin lies within the memory range of bin; if so, it increments the reference-count of bin by one, and the returned binary (bin_re_integrated) is then just a sliced reference to bin.

Name abin?

It's named after the trait AnyBin.


See abin-benchmark crate for details.

cd benchmark
cargo bench
cargo test

The benchmarks are performed against those implementations:

  • BytesBenchStr: Uses the bytes crate. Overall, this implementation performs similar to abin (memory and performance; abin allocates a bit less).
  • StdLibOptimized: Uses Arc<str> / Arc<String> / &'static str, ()(empty) with slicing-support (hand-optimized). It's very similar to what abin internally does (except for storing small binaries on the stack). Overall, this implementation performs similar to abin (abin allocates a bit less).
  • StdLibStringOnly: Uses always String (from Rust std-lib); no optimization. Much worse than abin (slower and allocates way more).
  • StdLibArcStrOnly: Always uses Arc<str> (from Rust std-lib); no optimization. Much worse than abin (slower and allocates way more).


abin is slightly better than StdLibOptimized & BytesBenchStr (especially in number of allocations) - and outperforms StdLibStringOnly and StdLibArcStrOnly by margin (see number of bytes allocated, it's 380 MB vs 840 MB / 1.2 GB; and the number of allocations is almost 10x).

Results for abin (using SStr)

{ allocations: 3154, deallocations: 3154, reallocations: 12, bytes_allocated: 388755346,
bytes_deallocated: 388755346, bytes_reallocated: 11520 }

Results for BytesBenchStr

{ allocations: 15454, deallocations: 15454, reallocations: 2212, bytes_allocated: 494895196,
bytes_deallocated: 494895196, bytes_reallocated: 520 }

Results for StdLibOptimized

{ allocations: 18154, deallocations: 18154, reallocations: 12, bytes_allocated: 495272868,
bytes_deallocated: 495272868, bytes_reallocated: 14400 }

Results for StdLibStringOnly

{ allocations: 21754, deallocations: 21754, reallocations: 1212, bytes_allocated: 848171274,
bytes_deallocated: 848171274, bytes_reallocated: 105981240 }

Results for StdLibArcStrOnly

{ allocations: 34354, deallocations: 34354, reallocations: 1212, bytes_allocated: 1201859852,
bytes_deallocated: 1201859852, bytes_reallocated: 105978360 }


As you can see, abin, StdLibOptimized and BytesBenchStr perform about the same (abin is slightly better and has fewer outliers); but are almost twice as fast as StdLibStringOnly and StdLibArcStrOnly.

Results for abin (using SStr)

time:   [65.503 ms 67.157 ms 68.869 ms]
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)

Results for abin (using Str)

time:   [71.207 ms 72.825 ms 74.546 ms]
Found 3 outliers among 100 measurements (3.00%)

Results for BytesBenchStr

time:   [89.518 ms 91.279 ms 93.124 ms]
Found 13 outliers among 100 measurements (13.00%)

Results for StdLibOptimized

time:   [78.972 ms 79.765 ms 80.556 ms]
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)

Results for StdLibStringOnly

time:   [118.53 ms 121.24 ms 124.15 ms]
Found 21 outliers among 100 measurements (21.00%)

Results for StdLibArcStrOnly

time:   [118.36 ms 118.90 ms 119.56 ms]
Found 10 outliers among 100 measurements (10.00%)


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